- aktualny
The pre-existing policy environment in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR), defined by national interests and implemented within sectoral silos, has historically constrained innovation and implementation of systemic measures to safeguard the fundamental bio-physical basis that sustains 60 million people and 10 nations forming this vibrant region; namely its waters, its land and its air. Existing measures tend to only address challenges within a single sector and/or locality, often leading the translocation of challenges elsewhere in the BSR or the emergence of new challenges in another sector. By contrast, RETURN will identify and pilot (economically and environmentally) efficient and (socially and politically) equitable technologies that contribute to win-win solutions that address multiple and interlinked challenges. Focus will be on eco-technologies that reconcile key conflicting challenges inhibiting sustainable development in urban and rural settings within the BSR whilst reducing nutrient enrichment and carbonization in water bodies. Pilots in Sweden, Finland and Poland will be set up to test the most promising eco-technologies identified by the project. Envisaged project outputs include an evidence-based review of eco-technologies; innovative models comprising both nutrient and carbon cycling; sustainability assessments of selected eco-technologies; policy recommendations for promoting the eco-technologies; and market strategies for the most promising eco-technologies.
New EU competition for innovations in the Baltic Sea
The EU-funded project BONUS RETURN announces a competition for innovations addressing the reuse of nutrients and carbon in the Baltic Sea. The Baltic Sea’s ecosystems are threatened due to marine and land pollution, thus endangering its current and future benefits to society. The Baltic Sea nutrients and carbon reuse challenge is open to countries within the European Union. Applicants are required to submit their applications before 12th February 2018. The winners will have the opportunity to perform tests, match their product to local needs, obtain tailor-made procurement and business plans, connect with investors, and introduce their products to potential markets. For more information about the project and how to apply for the competition, please visit: www.bonusreturn.com