We are happy to announce that in the framework of the Polish-Norwegian CHASE-PL project a new portal on climate change and its impacts in Poland (ClimateImpact.sggw.pl) was developed by project scientists from Department of Hydraulic Enginnering, WULS. The geoportal stores country-wide data (i.e. hundreds of interactive maps) concerning:
- observations of precipitation and air temperature for the time period 1951-2013
- projections of precipitation and air temperature changes for the near (2021-2050) and the far (2071-2100) future
- simulated impacts of climate change on hydrological conditions in the Vistula and Odra river basins.
The main functions of the geoportal include:
- download of meteorological data (5 km raster) for observations and projections
- interactive selection of maps based on monthly, seasonal or multi-annual data
- identification of values in the selected point on a map
Since the underlying data were described in scientific publications (see Download web page), the geoportal can be used for non-commercial purposes (research and teaching, e.g. for theses)
Welcome to using the first Polish climate change geoportal http://climateimpact.sggw.pl
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