- aktualny
The good ecological status of surface water in EU in 2015 has improved by 10 % since 2009. However, there is still a
lot of work to be done in order to achieve a better status of fauna and flora, as well as favourable hydrological and
chemical characteristics. Various types of measures listed under the name Natural (Small) Water Retention Measures (N(S)WRM) can have significant positive effects on solving environmental problems such as hydrological extremes,
nutrients’ transport and decreased biodiversity. FramWat will follow on previous developments in identifying new,innovative solutions in a systematic way and since the management of rivers do not observe national boundaries, a collective response and transnational integrated approach is needed.
Firstly, a valorisation method will be developed for identifying locations in a river basin where N(S)WRM are needed. It will be based on multi-criteria analysis of topographic, hydrological, meteorological and economic data. A GIS software will be used, which will enable the users to populate it with their data and after calculations, will review the resulting maps and statistics.
Secondly, innovative methods and tools (e.g. decision support system) will be developed for river basin authorities to evaluate the cumulative effectiveness of the system of N(S)WRM at river basin scale, as they influence processes in a synergic way.
The final step will be a preparation of Guidelines which will provide decision makers with policy options and cost
analysis for implementation of N(S)WRMs. FramWat will support bottom up dialogue with all stakeholders and look
for the positive implementation of solutions that mitigate negative effects of floods and droughts and prevent water
pollution to preserve natural heritage in Central Europe. The development of systematic approach trough
transnational cooperation will strengthen the N(S)WRM planning process and serve as an instrument to fulfil the WFD obligations (3rd RBMP).